Array-splitter Plugin for Fluentd
The new Fluentd plugin, fluent-plugin-array-splitter, simplifies data processing by breaking down array values in JSON logs into individual records, enhancing analysis workflows. This plugin, essential for fields with array values, also allows renaming keys and handling key/value pairs in arrays.
A new Fluentd package was released
The community released Fluentd v1.16 on 2023-03-29 and decided to rename its package name to fluent-package along with upgrading a new ruby version. In this blog post, we’ll explain what has changed and how it impacts the current users.
Practical Tips for Data Volume Reduction with Fluentd
As businesses grow and data volumes increase, managing the costs associated with observability tools and infrastructure becomes a key challenge. In this blog post, we'll explore approaches to leverage the advantages of observability while keeping a close eye on running costs with Fluentd.
Parsing Logs with Regular Expressions using Fluentd
One of the most useful features of Fluentd is the ability to parse logs using regex. In this post, we'll go through some examples of how to use regex with Fluentd to parse logs.
Visualizing Fluent Bit agent with Prometheus/Grafana
In this post, we'll explore how you can use Fluent Bit in combination with Prometheus and Grafana to visualize the performance and behavior of the Fluent Bit agent.
First Steps with OpenTelemetry Collector and FluentBit
Learn how to use OpenTelemetry Collector and FluentBit for powerful observability. Step-by-step setup and configuration guide for improved monitoring and troubleshooting.
Fluentd vs Fluent Bit: Understanding the Differences
Two of the most popular tools for log aggregation and processing are Fluentd and Fluent Bit. They have similar functions but are designed for different scenarios. This blog covers the key differences and similarities between the two.
Multiline Parsing Best Practice in Fluent Bit
Multiline parsing is one of the most popular functions used in Fluent Bit. We will provide a simple use case of parsing log data using the multiline function in this blog.
Parsing in Fluent Bit using Regular Expression
Parsing and analyzing raw log data is one of the most important things to do when monitoring Fluent Bit or troubleshooting the issues. In this blog we will use regular expression to parse the information of a simple log file with Fluent Bit.
‘tail’ in Fluent Bit - Standard Configuration
This blog series covers the use of the 'tail' plugin in Fluent Bit to obtain data from a log file and send it to Fluentd. This first blog explains how to run Fluent Bit with the 'tail' plugin using a standard configuration file. Upcoming blogs cover more advanced configurations, such as multiline parsing.
Fluentcon Europe 2022 - Schedule is LIVE!
Have you checked the Fluentcon Europe 2022 (Valencia, Spain) schedule yet? Don’t miss exciting sessions with leading companies such as Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, RedHat, and more!
Big congrats! Fluent Bit reaches 1 Billion Downloads.
As you’ve seen Fluent Bit, high performance & lightweight End-to-End Observability pipeline, reaches 1 billion downloads! Enjoy reading the blog posted by the author, Eduardo Silva.
Getting started with Fluentd and OpenSearch
You've probably heard the name of OpenSearch in the logging/metrics communities. Want to know more about what OpenSearch is and its new Fluentd plugin? Here is a great article that was written by Anurag Gupta who is co-founder of our partner company Calyptia, inc.
Fluent Bit v1.9 - Prometheus & OpenMetrics ready!
Fluent Bit v1.9 is the start of the new stable series of the project. During the last months our primary focus has been around scalability and performance, metrics and overall usability.
Fluent Bit v1.8.11 is out!
One more stable ver. of v.1.8 is out! Fluent Bit v.1.8.11 has been released on Dec 10th, 2021, check out the Release Notes, read the Updated Documentation or jump directly to the Downloads Section at the Fluent Bit community web site!
FluentCon North America 2021- Recap
Have you attended the FluentCon North America 2021? If not, make sure to check out our recap blog!
FluentCon North America - Schedule is LIVE!
Join us for FluentCon North America on October 12th in Los Angeles, CA, or virtually!
Fluent Bit v1.8.5 is out!
Fluent Bit v.1.8 has been released on July 7th, 2021, check out the Release Notes, read the Updated Documentation or jump directly to the Downloads Section at the Fluent Bit community web site!
Fluent Bit v1.8 is out! Exciting to see new metrics support!
Fluent Bit v.1.8 has been released on July 7th, 2021, check out the Release Notes, read the Updated Documentation or jump directly to the Downloads Section at the Fluent Bit community web site!
Fluent Bit v1.7.9 is out!
Fluent Bit v.1.7.5 has been released on May 13, 2021, check out the Release Notes, read the Updated Documentation or jump directly to the Downloads Section at the Fluent Bit community web site!