What does “Fluentd Subscription Network” support?

We support “td-agent” and “td-agent-bit“ today.
You can find more details here.

What are the differences between Fluentd and td-agent?

Unlike td-agent, Fluentd requires users to configure the parameters by themselves and write scripts for the operation such as run and stop Fluentd. td-agent, maintained by Treasure Data, prioritizes the usability and stability. Many people use “td-agent” today in production.
You can find more details here.

What are the differences between td-agent v3 and v4?

The td-agent v4, latest stable version, released in 2020. In the td-agent v4, core components like ruby and jemalloc were updated as well as removing libraries for 3rd party gems like postgreSQL to improve the maintainability of packages. You can find more details and the upgrade steps here.


What plugins are packaged in td-agent by default?

Fluentd has "pluggable architecture" which enable users Fluentd to enhance its capabilities to transfer data across multiple data sources and data stores like Kafka and ElasticSearch. By leveraging the plugins, you can build the data pipeline easily and efficiently. The td-agent bundle several plugins by default which are developed by either Fluentd core committers or companies in the Fluentd project.
You can find more details here.

What is diagtool?

The diagtool is the diagnostic tool for td-agent and td-agent-bit developed by our team, which enable users to automate the data collection which required for trouble shooting.

You can find more details here.


What does “Fluentd Subscription Network” support?

We support “td-agent” and “td-agent-bit“ today.

As a part of Fluentd, there is a stable build called "td-agent", mainly maintained by Arm Treasure Data. The td-agent is pre-configured package based on Fluentd v1 which helps people install and operate Fluentd easily. The overview and installation steps are described in the Fluentd Documentation.
Here is the list of the operating systems supported by td-agent v4.

Fluent Bit also has stable build called “td-agent-bit“ and we provide support for latest version and two versions ago. You can learn the overview and installation in the Fluent Bit Documentation.

Platformtd-agent v3td-agent v4
RedHat/CentOS 6OK-
RedHat/CentOS 7OKOK
Redhat/CentOS 8OKOK
Amazon Linux 2OKOK
Ubuntu TrustyOK-
Ubuntu XenialOKOK
Ubuntu BonicOKOK
Ubuntu Focal-OK
Debian JessieOK-
Debian StretchOK-
Debian BusterOKOK

What are the differences between Fluentd and td-agent?

Unlike td-agent, Fluentd requires users to configure the parameters by themselves and write scripts for the operation such as run and stop Fluentd. td-agent, maintained by Treasure Data, prioritizes the usability and stability. Many people use “td-agent” today in production at scale for following reasons :

  1. Parameter settings are pre-configured with recommended values

  2. Installation is easy. Utilizing packages (rpm, deb and dmg) are ready.

You can find more information about Fluentd and td-agent in Fluentd FAQ.

What are the differences between td-agent v3 and v4?

The td-agent v4, latest stable version, released in 2020. In the td-agent v4, core components like ruby and jemalloc were updated as well as removing libraries for 3rd party gems like postgreSQL to improve the maintainability of packages. You can find more details and upgrade steps here.

What plugins are packaged in td-agent by default?

Fluentd has "pluggable architecture" which enable users Fluentd to enhance its capabilities to transfer data across multiple data sources and data stores like Kafka and ElasticSearch. By leveraging the plugins, you can build the data pipeline easily and efficiently. The td-agent bundle several plugins by default which are developed by either Fluentd core committers or companies in the Fluentd project.

  • fluent-plugin-td v1.1.0

  • fluent-plugin-s3 v1.3.3

  • fluent-plugin-webhdfs v1.2.5

  • fluent-plugin-kafka v0.13.0

  • fluent-plugin-elasticsearch v4.0.9

  • fluent-plugin-prometheus v1.8.0

  • fluent-plugin-systemd v1.0.2

  • fluent-plugin-record-modifier v2.1.0

  • fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter v2.3.0

What is “diagtool”?

“diagtool” is a diagnostic tool for td-agent and td-agent-bit developed by our team, which enable users to automate the data collection which required for trouble shooting. The data collected by diagtool include the configuration and log files of the td-agent and diagnostic information of operating system such as status and stats of cpu, memory and network. In some cases, configuration and log files contains the security sensitive information, such as IP addresses and Hostname. The tool also provides the functions to generate mask on IP addresses, Hostname(in FQDN style) and user defined keywords described in the collected data. The code is contributed in the Fluentd community. Also, you can find where to download, the latest specification and how to use the tool here.