Fluent Bit v1.9 - Prometheus & OpenMetrics ready!

Enjoy logging now covers metrics!

It has been released on Mar 11th, 2022, check out the Release Notes, and those who are upgrading from the previous version, read the Upgrade notes. Below is some of the highlights from the community annoucement.

Fluent Bit v1.9 is the start of the new stable series of the project. During the last months our primary focus has been around scalability and performance, metrics and overall usability.

In the performance area, we have created a new priority queue mechanism to handle the processing order of internal events in the events loop, this lead to scale event more in high demand scenarios, this is an internal change that will benefit majority of users, no user config changes are needed.

We have been hard working on extending metrics support in Fluent Bit, meaning the input and output metrics plugins, where now is possible to perform end-to-end metrics collection and delivery. We fully support Prometheus & OpenMetrics and we are also shipping experimental OpenTelemetry metrics support (spoiler: traces will come shortly!). A new Nginx Metrics scraper plugin is part of this release that supports Nginx OSS and Nginx+ enterprise edition.

In the Loggin side, we have a new experimental Kafka input plugin, enhanced performance for Tail, a new Windows winevtlog that supports non-classic channels, new OpenSearch output plugin and a hot new Apache Arrow encoding support for our S3 output.

Embracing Fluentd & Fluent Bit to bring your observability to the next level.

As we are embracing the community effort to bring the vendor neutral, unified and robust approaches to be accessible to everyone. We'll make sure Fluentd and Fluent Bit bring a value to you, used and contributed by many people and organizations. ITOCHU Techno-Solutions America and Calyptia jointly offer a series of services around Fluentd and Fluent Bit to make sure your operation at scale is continuously successful and evolved in better ways.

In the Fluentd Subscription Network, we will provide you consultancy, professional services and contributed plugins like Diagtool and Sanitizer to help you run Fluentd and Fluent Bit with confidence.

Contact us anytime if you would like to learn more about our service offerings.


Getting started with Fluentd and OpenSearch


Fluent Bit v1.8.11 is out!