FluentCon North America 2021- Recap

Have you attended FluentCon North America 2021? It was such an informative day full of exciting sessions, including Why Do My Logs Suck?! A Practical Guide to Improving Your Logs, Patrick Stephens (Couchbase) to Security Logging Use Cases: Building an Open-Source SIEM, Jonah Kowall (Logz.io).

If you did not have a chance to attend the event, no worries! Presentation PDFs can be found under the speaker bio on the schedule. Video content from the event is now available on the CNCF YouTube channel, so you can check it out there as well. Here are some highlights of the event.

1st FluentCon mix of in-person and online

Though we needed to follow strict COVID safety guidelines, it was really great to see the Fluentd community members in person! Online events have made our life much easier and more convenient, but there is also a lot of dynamism in in-person events. Hopefully, we are able to have more in-person events in the near future.

Hands-On Workshop

We had FluentCon Europe back in May and one common feedback we received from the audience was having hands-on sessions. The Fluent Ecosystem has recently added support for Prometheus and Open Metrics, so we created an opportunity for attendees to learn and try out the new capabilities while being guided by a Fluent maintainer and a Prometheus community expert. We covered the introduction to Fluent ecosystem and metrics, how to spin up an open-source metrics backend (M3DB) as well as the visualization platform (Grafana), and how to set up Fluent Bit to collect and send metrics to the backend. Here is the video of the session. Let us know if you would like to have more hands-on sessions in the future.

Fluent Bit: Past, Present, and Future

Eduardo, co-founder of Calyptia, shared how the CMetrics Project started. They wanted to bring more values to the metrics space so that people can utilize unified logs + metrics collection experience. He also addressed the importance of aligning with the Industry Standard for metrics today, such as Prometheus and Open metrics. If you would like to learn more about CMetrics and his talk, here is the link for the video. 

Diagtool and Sanitizer tools

Need a little help with tools to accelerate? Check out this keynote session Accelerating Adoption of Fluentd/Fluent Bit With Confidence. Diagtool is a simple, yet powerful tool to simplify the troubleshooting process and also make it more secure. Sanitizer is a Fluentd filter plugin to mask sensitive information. You can read our blog posts for more details.

Scaling Fluentd From 0 to Millions of Events

If your organization is considering using Fluentd and Fluent Bit in production, I highly recommend checking out this talk given by our solution engineer, TK. He did a great job sharing his insights from both performance and also operational perspectives. The talk covers topics such as challenges that IT Ops teams may have, sample implementation models, benefits of aggregators, etc.

Our thanks to the foundation, conference speakers and sponsors

We would like to thank Cloud Native Computing Foundation and the conference organizer team for making it possible for people to meet and discuss in this challenging moment. We also thank all the amazing speakers and sponsors for supporting our 2nd FluentCon. Here is the list of speakers and sponsors.

Embracing Fluentd & Fluent Bit to bring your observability to the next level.

We are embracing the community efforts to bring vendor-neutral, unified and robust approaches to be accessible to everyone. We will make sure Fluentd and Fluent Bit bring value to you, as it continues to be used and contributed by many people and organizations. ITOCHU Techno-Solutions America and Calyptia jointly offer a series of services around Fluentd and Fluent Bit to make sure your operation at scale keeps evolving and is continuously successful.

With the Fluentd Subscription Network, we will provide you with consultancy, professional services, as well as contributed plugins such as Diagtool and Sanitzer, to help you run Fluentd and Fluent Bit with confidence. Our service desk is also available to help your operation. The team is equipped with the Diagtool and knowledge of running Fluentd in production. Contact us anytime if you would like to learn more about our service offerings.


Fluent Bit v1.8.11 is out!


FluentCon North America - Schedule is LIVE!