Fluent Bit v1.8.11 is out!

One more stable ver. of v.1.8 is out! Fluent Bit v.1.8.11 has been released on Dec 10th, 2021, check out the Release Notes, read the Updated Documentation or jump directly to the Downloads Section at the Fluent Bit community web site!

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Fluent Bit v1.8.5 is out!

Fluent Bit v.1.8 has been released on July 7th, 2021, check out the Release Notes, read the Updated Documentation or jump directly to the Downloads Section at the Fluent Bit community web site!

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Fluent Bit v1.7.9 is out!

Fluent Bit v.1.7.5 has been released on May 13, 2021, check out the Release Notes, read the Updated Documentation or jump directly to the Downloads Section at the Fluent Bit community web site!

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Fluent Bit v1.7.8 is out!

Fluent Bit v.1.7.5 has been released on May 13, 2021, check out the Release Notes, read the Updated Documentation or jump directly to the Downloads Section at the Fluent Bit community web site!

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Fluent Bit v1.7.5 is out!

Fluent Bit v.1.7.5 has been released on May 13, 2021, check out the Release Notes, read the Updated Documentation or jump directly to the Downloads Section at the Fluent Bit community web site!

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Engineering Engineering

3 Common Architecture Patterns With Fluentd And F

In this blog, we will talk about 3 of the most common architectures that users leverage when deploying Fluent Bit and Fluentd: Forwarder's and Aggregators, Side car / Agent deployment, and Network device aggregator.

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Engineering Engineering

Supercharge your logging pipeline with Fluent Bit stream processing

Reducing log volume sent to a single location, performing calculations before sending data to a back end, and time-series predictions for when an application may consume too much memory. This blog walks through these use cases and how to leverage Fluent Bit's new stream processing features with a standard data pipeline.

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Engineering Engineering

Logging : Fluentd with Kubernetes

The use of containers in production has reached to 92%+ in the CNCF survey. Check this post if you're using Fluentd with k8s. Next up is fluentbit, ConfigMap and Forwarder/Aggregator discussion. Stay tuned.

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